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Fern and Hoppy Toad


Fern was the youngest of the Bailey fairy children. Momma Bailey knew that when Fern went outside it was pretty much a sure thing that she would be headed for the wild flowers nearby. Momma felt Fern was safe when she visited the wild flowers. She had dressed Fern to blend in, her clothing allowed her to look like a real fern plant. If she felt in danger all she had to do was stand still and anyone would think she was one more of nature’s treasures. Since the close call that Daisy and Twig had with the children, Blake and Tristin, Fern didn’t want to add to those experiences. She headed to the rock wall and her wild flower friends. She loved all the wild flowers, they were so pretty. She was amazed that some were actually referred to as weeds. How could such beauty be considered an ugly weed? The people destroyed them usually but so far they had left these alone. Along the way to visit the flowers she came across her friend Hoppy Toad. He was kind of a bulky critter who sometimes landed in the wrong place; he almost landed on Fern once, a mistake but still a close call. This morning Fern and Hoppy Toad arrived at the rock wall just about the same time. They were so busy visiting they didn’t even hear the child, Tristin, headed their way till she was almost there. This was going to call for quick thinking. Fern told Hoppy Toad that once she got close he was to hop out and scare her away. So he waited and just at the right time he jumped out and startled Tristin. But they were in for a surprise! She wasn’t the least bit scared, she liked Hoppy Toad. All of a sudden he decided he had better be hopping quickly away because Tristin was following him. Finally he got to Apple Tree Notch and hopped inside just as Tristin lost site of him. She’d lost him, well if there was one hoppy toad around there must be more. She decided to walk around the edge of their yard and see if she could find another. Momma Bailey, the fairy mother looked around and told Hoppy Toad it was safe to come out now. Sprite had been watching this and he knew Hoppy Toad was a friend to the fairy children. Sometimes he even gave them a ride on his back and Sprite loved to hear the fairy children giggle and laugh. Sprite followed Hoppy Toad back to the wild flowers. He knew that Tristin would be back. While all this was going on Tristin was wandering around the yard hunting for another toad. She wasn’t having any luck. She had found bushes with thorns and little flowers. She remembered when Momma and Daddy first looked at the house Momma said these were berry bushes. There were no berries yet. She went over by the old well that had a cover on it. She knew Daddy had said to stay away from that, it was dangerous and not safe for children. Tristin couldn’t find a toad anywhere and she still wanted one to put in a box and show her brother Blake because he didn’t have one. She started to make her way back to the wild flowers. After all the hoppy toad was there once, maybe he had gone back, she would too!! Sprite knew she was coming so he got busy. Fern and the others didn’t hear Tristin until it was almost too late. Fern quickly crouched among the flowers as she had been taught. Hoppy toad just sat still thinking she might not see him, but she did. As Tristin bent down to reach toad he just closed his eyes and knew in a second she’d have him. But it didn’t happen. Fern and the wild flowers looked on in disbelief. They watched as the brightly colored circle hovered over Hoppy Toad and made him look almost as big as their big rock! Tristan ran away as fast as she could. She thought that must be the momma hoppy toad and she was way bigger than Tristin wanted to touch! One tall flower, Lacy, could see what happened. She saw Sprite act as a magnifying glass to make Hoppy Toad look very large. That’s why Tristin had left. Lacy saw but she wasn’t giving away Sprite’s secret. So Tristin ran home to the big house to tell everyone about the little toad and the huge one. Tristin had made up a few stories before so Momma and daddy just smiled. Fern ran home to tell Momma and Daddy what had almost happened to Hoppy Toad as the Sprite flitted around happily between them and around them. Mom and Dad knew that Fern and her friends had had another safe day of adventures. 

Author: Debbie Walker